Jake found himself a new home!
Those of you who visit CatVando are familiar with Jake's ways and charms. He was an indoor cat who became an indoor outdoor cat then became primarily an outdoor cat, living on the enclosed back or front porches with access to the yard area. He had quite the beginning, coming to us initially for therapy for his 'bite' behavior. He was doing great. We always had to exercise caution but he quit the intensity of his behavior and became more the charmer he really was. Jake is an alpha cat and even tho he was neutered, whenever there was a new cat on the premises, the boy would spray his little heart out - and, because of the influx of cats coming and going for TNR aftercare, ............... let's just say, there use to be a great leather couch here - use to be. Jake helped redecorate. We now have all wicker furniture. Anyway, Jake disappeared. He was in the habit of getting into cars and we thought maybe he took a ride somewhere and was trying to find his way home. 4 weeks to the day that he disappeared, we got a call from a local vet. Jake found a new home in Forest Park. We've worked out the arrangements, warning of his behavior and habits and are thrilled that he has a home where he's the only cat, where he can cuddle in bed for his night's rest, which he loves. Don't you just love the white heart on his abdomen
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