This is the best picture I've taken of her eyes yet it doesn't show their true color and irridescence. You can see the separation between the inner and outer part of the iris. Her eyes are a deep green and the inner iris is a pearlescent color, like luminescent green mother of pearl. Her eyes have continued to change since she arrived at the back door, Sept 17. Any one know an iridologist???? We'd love to know what that means.
She just went in for another blood test to check her Tapazole levels and kidney values. The fungus on her nail beds is gone (thank you Melaleuca!). She still has a bad tooth and the abdomenal mass but until she's healthy, we're not doing anything about it. We do suspect mammary cancer but aren't considering surgery at the moment and depending on her condition, maybe never. It would put her through trauma and if it is ca, we wouldn't be able to save her anyway - why put her through it. We continue to consult with our vet about it so we'll keep you posted. She is content, a good weight, getting healthier by the day. She still spends the majority of time in her bathroom suite coming out every once in a while, usually when she's ready for her next (frequent) meal. She's a love. The vet techs all fell in love with her. We'd love to find her a good foster home.
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