Saturday, January 23, 2010

Henry's Cats - update

Peter, Paul, Sister Mary Francesca & Isabelle Paul and Isabelle are by far the friendliest and sweetest. Paul needs to have his right eye removed some time before summer but it doesn't hold him back a bit. He loves to play with Peter & Sister Mary. Peter is coming around nicely and will be going to foster soon for fine tuning in his socialization. Isabelle is sweet, affectionate and loves to cuddle. Sister Mary Francesca is not friendly at all. She's more the 'wall climber' type when attempts at petting are at play but is more than willing to play when the feather toys come out. Zeus is on meds for his upper respiratory infection but is becoming more friendly every day. He's the only one going to a home to be with another cat. Kasha & Ilsa are due for dental surgery on Tuesday. Ilsa needs all her teeth extracted. Kasha only 4 as far as we know. Ilsa is at Kallie's, Kasha at Sue's. Kasha & Athena (formerly Apollo) Are together at Sue's where Sue & Kim continue to work towards their socialization tho it looks like they'll be candidates for a nursery or someplace where they can just live out their lives without being lap cats. We're still looking for homes for them. Agnes (now Auggie), Hades, Ilsa and Louie Are running free in a basement apartment. Agnes is the friendliest. 3 of these cats are going to a detail shop. Ilsa is scheduled to be returned to Henry after her surgery. They're all fattening up and getting healthy. Henry is going to keep 4 altered and healthy cats at the end of this. Ilsa is the only one we've gotten from the house so far. The remaining cats 8-10 will be trapped this week. They are going to be difficult. Most are older, sicker and much much shyer. We've only seen them when we've strategically placed food so we can see them eat through the basement window. There are at least 2 that we've never seen. We're going to have to 'pre-bait' before we trap. Leaving traps untriggered to trap, putting food only in the traps, so they get use to going in and out of the trap.

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