The nuts and bolts of TNR
Today, Linda and I met with a fellow she met about the cats in his garage. His neighbors are complaining and he needs to have them adopted out.
The fellow is a Vietnam Vet who's never been the same since the killings. He jumped out of a lot of helicopters, was shot 3 times. He lives on a busy street, a side street in Elmwood Park where you can go 3-4 long blocks with no stop signs - people drive at very high speeds. Because he's scraped so many off the streets, now when he finds cats, he puts them in his garage so they are safe. His garage is clean of dirt and debris and the cats are very well cared for. He loves them and can pet them all. But a garage with no ventilation, even if there are fans, is no place for cats. It was sad. One cat with possible allergies but I suspect anxiety with bald lick spots up and down his body some spanning inches. Respiratory problems with another. Fight wounds. All, highly anxious. They're getting s/n at ACL next Tues. Then ???? They need out of the garage. Possibly outside cage managery. Trying to relocate through
Then, I picked up some donated lumber for the cathouse and racks we're building.
Cat calls:
-called a feeder we met at Maywood Farmers Market to schedule colony of 11 for clinic in 2 weeks and 1 for next Monday. Woman feeds on her porch, they're all friendly to her. The very pregnant one is going to clinic Tues.
- a call from north Maywood - the guy who had a mama and 3 kittens hasn't seen them since he started pre-pre-baiting (getting them use to coming for food). He has another neighborhood cat who may have babies in his Hostas. He's getting a pre bait trap Saturday.
- arranged with feeder to partner on drop trap catch for a very trap leery prolific mama who's been having litters ever few months - 35 decendants in the last 2 years. That's Friday night.
-spoke to Linda about Lou's arrangements and possible solution
-spoke to Cynthia about the Loyola kitten. He's 6-7 wks old (went for FF test yesterday at ACL) that was found in some pipes at the hospital. Vet there checked him out but couldn't keep him here. He's been here until she could find a foster home, which she has. He's leaving this weekend. Tried him with the 25 day old kittens but didn't work. Too bad. He will be adopted through ACL mid August with Hoover's babies.
-emailed to schedule local Maywood colony next week
-spoke with a feeder where we picked up 5, 11 day old kittens with their 7 month old mom last week. The 7 month old's mom is back with her 4 month old kittens. We thought she was going to trap them Monday night - now they've got pre-baited traps set. She'd like the cats to be adopted out rather than live in the street. Hardest thing to understand is the lack of resource to socialize a 4 month old kitten. It takes about 6-12 months for some, if ever. We don't try to place 4 month olds. With a good feeder and shelter, their home is the street. It's a difficult situation. We're hoping to at least get them s/n so she won't have 30 to deal with next year.
-Talked to Sheila at the Childrens library about starting an animal education program in August. CatVando in partnership with UofI Extension Service.
-Emailed Dr Oye at Extension of September plans and upcoming tv interview together
No less time consuming are the hours spent thinking and planning. Lots of great things are happening!
Haven't sent the invitations yet but MARK YOUR CALENDAR for our First CAT PARTY!!!! Sunday, July 13, 1pm - more to come. If you don't get an invitation and want to come, leave a comment. Everyone welcome that has cats, indoor or out, or if for some reason you don't have cats but like them!
And that's pretty much how it goes every day. Tried cleaning my house every day this week and spent minimual time at that task! -
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