All life is sacred, cats too. When does the life of a cat become less important than the money it costs to relieve him of pain.
Alfred's ear surgery costs $2,100. He has polyps deep in his lateral ear canal. This leads to chronic infection. As you can see his ears are crinkled as a result. They stink from infection. $2,100 is way over our budget. We're a TNR group. Our mission is to help care for and reduce the number of cats being born in the streets and to teach respect for life. We aren't a shelter. We aren't very big. $2,100. Anyone who has met Alfred wants to help him. He is one of those special cats. Robin's husband said that when any of the house cats would get into a tussle, Alfred would go over to where they were and just lay down between them and end it. He hugs his foster mom, licks her cheeks and nuzzles his head against hers and her neck. We can't expect our supporters to pay, it's too much. We're perplexed and seeking alternatives and solutions. Not easy.......................